Atlanta Fresh 48 Photography, Herder Family

I received a text from Lauren while her and Carl were at the hospital letting me know they would be bringing their second child home the following day. Their daughter was going to meet him for the first time, and wanted that moment documented. Me? Instant excitement. Since I’ve been on this photographic journey of documenting real life family moments, this is the heart of why I do what I do. I thought this was a brilliant milestone to capture. I think Livi was a little shocked at first, but when dad brought in some presents to give her new brother, she perked right up and was the little girl I remembered from a few months ago when I first photographed the Herder family.

What is Atlanta Fresh 48 photography? Fresh 48 portraits document the first 2 days of a newborn’s life. This unique session was centered around the moment when a big sister met her baby brother for the very first time.

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